Sunday, 13 May 2012

TWD Pecan Buns

We began making this on Saturday morning. If there's one thing we've learned about baking is that it's better when it's not hurried.

The sponge was made, we had breakfast and so ate the eggs to make the dough. Fast forward to Sunday. We made the sponge, made the dough, let it rise, deflated it, put it in the fridge. And then read the rest of the recipe. We need another 9 hours of daytime to make the buns. It will then be 11 at night. We have to leave for the airport at 5am. The buns are best eaten the same day. There will only be one hour of the same day left. This will have to go in the freezer and be resumed later. Not back till Wednesday. Here it is chillaxing in the fridge. So far so good. But was one of the instructions really " smear butter on every available kitchen surface and domestic appliance. Or was that just me?

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

TWD Hungarian Shortbread

TWD - Hungarian Shortbread

Everything about this was fabulous and will become a staple in our repertoire.  What did we like about it? The dough came together quickly in the food processor and then had an overnight rest in the fridge.  The jam was delicious on its own, as was the raw dough!  The grating method was so easy and it came out of the oven crispy on the bottom and top and soft on the inside.

Things we changed: we noticed that other TWDers were baking the bottom on its own then adding the jam so we did this too and got a crispy bottom layer.  We halved the dough recipe but made all of the jam recipe yet there seemed to be only just enough jam - how would it have covered the whole amout of dough?  Anyway, thumbs up from us.